Sleeping Pedro is an elusive little creature. Manufactured by Homco in the 1980s, he can only be found “in the wild” at estate sales, antique malls or online. It sounds crazy, like most things collectors do, but Pedro is often favored by Fiesta Dinnerware collectors. Karen and I are avid collectors of both vintage and P-86 Fiestaware, so it certainly follows that we had to have a Pedro.
We have been seeking him out on our iconic RoadTrips for several years. I even have a picture of him on my phone to show the proprietors of antique stores. Sorry to say, we have always come up short. And we were not going to order him online. What fun is that? It’s the hunt that is so satisfying.
Then we asked our cousin Lisa of Pflueger Pfinds to help us out. You can find her thrifting treasures on Instagram (@pflueger_pfinds). It had been several months, but we finally got the long-awaited text. Lisa found Pedro for us at an estate sale in Orange County. Eureka! We found him and we are so pleased. Doesn’t he look great with vintage and P-86 Fiesta?
Along with Pedro, Mexican cuisine is a great sidekick to Fiesta Dinnerware. Try our Easy Birria-Style Tacos. Oh so luscious.